Support those who are grieving to the best of your ability


Grief is hard and complicated - but supporting someone in their grief doesn’t have to be.

Losing a loved one is freaking difficult, and watching our loved ones suffer through their grief can really hit us hard. We want to jump in with both feet and help the person who is grieving, but so many of us have NO idea of how to actually help.

Welcome to the Goodness Grief Course. 

Let’s be really honest here - We want to help but we have no idea how to actually walk alongside the person who is grieving. What do we say? What can we do to make this person’s load lighter?

That’s one of the reasons I’ve made this course - To equip folks so that they can bring their best selves into these shitty situations. That way, the people that are grieving get the support that they need and deserve.


Want to know more about this course?


How Much Is This Going To Set Me Back?


The short answer: That’s up to you.

The slightly longer answer:

This course was created to help as many people as possible, and since grief doesn’t give a flying crap about…well…anything…I don’t want price to hold you back from getting this information.

So here’s the plan:

Take a look at what’s included, and when you get to the bottom, you decide on the price that makes sense to you (and yes…$0 is fine as well 😀).


Hey there, my name is Jason and I’ll be your guide for this workshop.

I’ve been journeying with people as they navigate difficult situations for over a decade. My mission is to help folks get comfortable with being uncomfortable. That means I help you hold those difficult spaces so that you don’t have to do it on your own.

I could bore you by telling you that I have a Master’s in Leadership, an Advance Certificate in Conflict Management and Mediation, or even that I’m a Certified Grief Coach (specializing in Pregnancy and Infant loss) and Certified Mediator, but let’s be honest, it’s not my education that taught me the most about grief and communication. It’s my experiences with loss.

Once I became a bereaved parent, I took my experience and education in conflict, mental health, and leadership and focused on trying to (better) understand grief. Since 2016, I’ve invested hundreds of hours in studying grief and loss, worked with folks to help them navigate loss, and spoke to hundreds about my story. Does this mean that I’ve “figured out” grief?

Absolutely not. Grief is a sneaky sucker that comes in and out with the tide, and that’s why I’ve tried to create a model that is fluid, yet gives us all some structure. To make it as useful as possible, I’ve divided it into two courses.

Wait…Two Courses in One?

Yep! This course is set up for two different situations:

Situation 1 (The Crash Course) - You just found out that someone in your community lost a loved one and you have less than 10 minutes before you’re hopping in the car to head over. The crash course quickly goes through the model and provides you with some actionable ideas you can implement the moment you pull up to your loved one’s door.

Situation 2 (The Full Course) - Here, you’ll get 13 videos (over 1.5 hours of content) that will take you through the model. To take your learning deeper, there is a workbook and some ebooks for you to access whenever and wherever you want (as long as you have internet of course…).


What’s Inside the Goodness Grief Course

This course walks through a simple, yet effective model - Show up. Shut up. Be present.

Show Up talks about how we can put aside our assumptions so that we can take our cues from the expert in this situation: The person who is grieving.

Shut Up explores the art of listening and what we should say or not say in these situations.

And lastly, Be Present talks about strategies we can utilize to be in the moment with the person that is grieving.

There are 13 videos split into over 1.5 hours that will accompany you on this journey. To enhance your learning there is a full workbook and some ebooks to help you implement this model to best fit your situation.


Pay What You Want

So here's how this works:

I’ve spent over a decade journeying alongside folks in difficult situations. In that time, I’ve dedicated many hours researching grief and putting videos, articles, and workbooks together. I really believe in the information in this course, and I believe that this can help folks to become an amazing support to those around them that are experiencing grief.

As such, I want you to be able to have this course for whatever you deem it to be worth. If you can't afford to give anything, that's more than okay! If you're able to give $20, $50, even $1000 for this course, that's also more than okay.

A portion of the money generated from this course is going to charities that support grief and loss work, so not only will you be able to learn from this course, but you'll also be helping others who need those supports.

Here are the two organizations that I will be supporting for 2022/2023:

Pregnancy & Infant Loss Centre

PILSC supports and connects individuals of all identities, backgrounds or circumstances, who have experienced the trauma around miscarriage, stillbirth, termination for medical reasons (TFMR), neonatal loss, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), or infertility. They are based out of Calgary, Alberta and serve the loss community worldwide.

The Coping Centre

The Coping Centre offers a peaceful place for support, understanding, compassion and encouragement in the uniqueness of one’s grief journey. They offer support programs, retreats and educational seminars by professionals and volunteers who have all experienced grief in their own lives. They are located in a beautiful, century old estate nestled in 6 acres of beautiful gardens and mature trees that overlook the Grand River in Blair, Ontario.