
Learn. Implement. Grow.

Looking for a keynote, workshop, seminar, or lunch and learn? You’re in the right place! 

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Learning doesn’t have to be boring.

Create an experience for your participants.

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Why Jason?

Jason has had the opportunity and honour to speak with thousands of individuals about conflict management, leadership development, healthy communication, and business development for conflict management professionals. He has done this through different forms; keynote speaking, traditional workshops, webinars, and lunch and learn seminars.

Applying adult learning principles to his teaching, Jason will have you laughing as you learn from his stories and examples. After each teaching session, you will walk away with takeaways that you can begin to put into action immediately.

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Most Requested Topic

Tackling Tough Conversations

Conversations impact all aspects of our personal and professional lives. Sometimes these conversations flow smoothly and easily; other times they are tough and even distressing. Tackling Tough Conversations walks through the mechanics of working through hard conversations, explores the spirit of healthy dialogue and empowers workshop participants to be at their best when tough conversations have to happen, whether in or beyond the workplace.

Take a look at our Tackling Tough Conversations Online Course ->

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Speaking Topics

Tackling Tough Conversations

Mental Health and the Workplace

Workplace Civility

Walking with Grief

Congregational Renewal

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 Workshop Topics

  • Mental Health First Aid (Approved trainer through the Mental Health Commission of Canada)

  • Tackling Tough Conversations

  • Understanding Conflict in the Workplace

  • Leadership Coaching

  • The Secret to Effective Communication

  • Leading the Church Through Renewal and Change

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 Ready to work together?

Simply fill out the form with your information and a brief overview of how we might journey together during this time. Once you hit that submit button, I’ll be sure to respond within 24-hours!

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